
Friends Who Glow Together, Stay Forever Young: Refer Today & Earn Double Referral Rewards!

Spread the Glow! Share the Luxurious Experience of Beautique Medical Spa with your Friends and Earn Beautique Loyalty Perks!

Give your friends $50 off their first purchase and get 25,000 50,000 Beautique Loyalty Points ($25 $50 value) for each successful referral.

Friends Who Glow Together, Stay Forever Young: Refer Today & Earn Double Referral Rewards!

Spread the Glow! Share the Luxurious Experience of Beautique Medical Spa with your Friends and Earn Beautique Loyalty Perks!

Give your friends $50 off their first purchase and get 25,000 50,000 Beautique Loyalty Points ($25 $50 value) for each successful referral.

Option Two:
Send Them A Personalized Referral

Complete the form below and we’ll send them their $50 Referral Gift Card on your behalf

Your Information


Your Friend's Information

Should you have any questions, please contact us at 956-664-1234.

T&C: A new client referral is defined as a individual who has not been to Beautique Medical Spa prior. $50 New Client Gift Card cannot be combined with any other offer or discount. $50 New Client Gift Card valid towards regular priced services only. $50 and $25 Gift Cards can only be used once. No Cash Value. Some restrictions may apply, see spa for full details.

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