
Who Benefits from Kybella?

Studies show that what humans perceive to be a youthful looking face include even skin tone, face shape, plump lips, firmness, and fuller cheeks that contrast with a narrower chin. The area between the chin and neck really get the brunt of the aging process as gravity naturally pulls the skin downward. The dreaded “double chin” can really affect our self-confidence as well as how old we look.  This occurs when a layer of fat below the chin sags, creating a secondary pad of skin and fat to take shape along the facial profile.  Known as submental fat or fullness, the extra fat under the chin affects many people.

The double chin is caused by several factors including:

  • Age
  • excess weight or obesity
  • genetics

Submental fullness can also be hereditary. Many individuals, both men and women, suffer from a hereditary predisposition to this issue, naturally storing fat and retaining water in this area. In fact, these factors can cause otherwise healthy weight people to appear overweight.
There are many things we can do to help diminish submental fat and sagging. Clearly losing weight would help, and special exercises that target the neck area are beneficial as well. But what about those who are predisposition to this? How easy is it for your double chin to come back?
Kybella offers an effective and alternative solution to this dilemma by eliminating the fat under your chin for good. You can read more about how it works on a previous blog post here (insert link). Kybella injections permanently remove submental fat creating a leaner silhouette and more prominent profile.

Who can benefit from Thermage?

  • Men & Women
  • Individuals who show their extra weight in the chin/neck area
  • Individuals who are predisposition to have a “double chin”
  • Those who show signs of aging in the cheeks and neck

Whether you are having trouble losing weight or double chins just run in your family, Kybella is the solution for you. The best part? Since Kybella destroys the fat cells, they can no longer store or accumulate fat resulting in permanent results.


Are you ready for a chiseled jawline with a smooth and sleek neck? For more information, visit our website http://website2018.beautiquemedicalspa.com/kybella/

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