
7 Tips to Stop Overeating Always Eat Breakfast

It’s true that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it’s also the easiest to skip. Eating fat, protein, and carbohydrates in the morning has shown to keep you more satisfied throughout the day. Skipping breakfast causes hunger to build and potentially requires larger meals to satisfy. To help avoid skipping breakfast, try preparing breakfast the night before or keep a stash of food at work. You should also eat when you feel hungry. Don’t force yourself to eat at 6 a.m. Eating at 9 or 10 a.m. is okay and will help you stay in control later in the day.

Eat Slowly

Eating your meals slowly will help you feel full faster and keep you from overeating. Studies show that it can take 12 or more minutes for food satisfaction signals to reach the brain in a thin person. It can take 20 or more minutes for those that are overweight. Eating slower ensures that these messages have time to reach the brain before you move past full to feeling stuffed. Take your time and enjoy the flavor of your food.

Drink Water

Drinking water just before you sit down to your meal can help reduce your appetite. The water will fill up your stomach and make you feel more full. When you consume actual food, you will eat less. Remember to eat slowly and savor your food.

Eat More Often

Don’t avoid food. Skipping a meal can lower your blood sugar level and cause you to crave food more. When you do actually eat, you will probably eat too much because your hunger pangs are so strong. Don’t go more than five hours with without food. Eating smaller meals more frequently can keep your hunger cravings in check.

Spoil Your Appetite

Having a snack or appetizer before your meal can help fill you up, so you’ll eat less. Just make sure your choices are healthy. Filling up on junk food, empty calories, or food high in fat defeats the purpose of trying avoiding overeating. Healthy snacks can also help control hunger during the day, so you don’t gorge during lunch or dinner.

Choose Satisfying Foods

Foods high in fiber, protein, and water content are more likely to satisfy your hunger cravings than food high in calories. Natural fiber can be found in apples and carrots and whole grain bread, pasta, and rice. Lean protein choices include egg whites, tuna, and skinless chicken. Black beans, chickpeas, and edamame are low in fat and high in fiber and protein.

Pay Attention

Don’t eat in front of the television or your computer or while driving. When you are concentrating on other things, the chances of overeating are increased. Rushing through a meal tends to prevent our brains from registering a full fealing. It’s better to focus on your meal and recognize when you’ve had enough.

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