
Thermage Head-To-Toe

Anti-aging treatments have come a long way – these days we can control the way our skin appears to age as well as reverse signs that have already appeared. Thermage is a proven, unique radiofrequency treatment that can help improve the appearance of sagging or loose skin. You CAN have smoother, sleeker, and younger looking appearance and texture. Thermage works in just one treatment with little down time and delivers a natural looking result.

What areas of the body can benefit from Thermage?

Eye Area

– fine lines, hooded eyelids, and a sagging brow line can make us look worn-down and older. Thermage treats the upper and lower eyelids to help you look more rested and your

Face & Neck

– as we age, phrases like “turkey neck”, loose jowls, sagging skin and undefined jawlines begin to creep in. Thermage smooths these fine lines and wrinkles while stimulating and shaping collagen to improve the shape, texture and appearance of the skin.

The Body

– aging is not limited to our faces; our entire bodies see the effects too. Crepey, sagging skin and unwanted bulges and dimples start to appear. Thermage is the best non-invasive treatment to smooth loose skin around the body and even temporarily improve the appearance of cellulite.

If you are unsure where on your body you would benefit from Thermage, please get in touch with us! Let our experienced team of beauty experts answer any questions you may have.

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