
Drop The Razor…Start Thinking Laser!

It’s time to break up with your razor and have some “Fun in the Sun” without suffering barbaric hair removal torture methods such as waxing, depilatory creams, and threading!

For us living in South Texas, outdoor activities come early. I’ll admit we have had some incredibly beautiful weather, but for the most part we can enjoy our pools and South Padre Island already. So, with Summer just around the corner we want to know, have you “Marie Kondoed” your closet yet? You know, evaluated your shorts, sundresses and bathing suits? And with more skin on display as the temperatures heat up, it’s time to also evaluate those daily tasks that don’t bring you joy…like shaving.
Whether at the beach or a pool, most hot RGV Summer days are spent at outside with your loved ones, do you really have time for barbaric shaving methods? It’s no secret, practically everyone has heard about Laser Hair Removal. What I find surprising, is that so many people have still not experienced the wonder of not shaving again for themselves. I’m not sure if it’s because they haven’t gotten around to it or have fallen for one of the common misconceptions circling around. One thing is for sure, our savvy Beautique Medical Spa clients get Laser Hair Removal with us. In fact, that is one of the reasons Beautique was born. My daughters wanted Laser Hair Removal, and at the time nobody really offered Laser Hair Removal in the Valley. A few machines later we are STILL the leaders in Laser Hair Removal since 2002.
When we first started, there wasn’t a lot on the market to choose from, as the years have passed, it was very important to us that we could serve the vast majority of the Valley’s population because we have such diverse skin types here in the Valley. Very early on most machines were IPL and could only treat lighter skin types. Another HUGE problem with IPL was that handpieces had to change, and only had a certain amount of “shots” available, and when you would get a new handpiece the treatment changed. … oh, my goodness it was such a pain, and speaking of pain…it hurt! But, most women, my daughters included, stuck out the pain because they didn’t want to shave anymore.
Fast forward a few years and TONS of research we have two different machines we use for laser hair removal. Both can be used on all skin colors (remember, that was one of the most important requirements for us). One can actually treat grey and red hair with our proprietary protocol (most machines are unable to treat red and grey because there is not enough melanin). We have treated thousands of clients with hair removal. In fact, we started our Hair Free Club which allows our clients to come in regularly for hair removal and as a result can be hair free from Head to toe… and we mean head to toe 😉
One of the main reasons we recommend laser hair removal is because shaving can be very irritating to your skin (you know, South Padre Salt Water and shaving do not mix) and shaving only lasts for a couple days (for some only hours), so it is uncomfortable for many women (and men) that have to shave daily. Oh, and don’t even get me started on those ugly little prickly pimples left behind when you shave. Plucking and waxing may last longer, however, they still can irritate and can be quite painful as well, OUCH!


You may be surprised though that for many women laser hair removal is one of the services that can return a woman’s confidence unlike anything else we’ve seen. Women are supposed to have soft, silky, hair-free skin and when a woman or young girl has excessive hair growth on her face that can be detrimental to her mental well-being, and in some cases can lead to bullying in school or can make a person be passed over during a job interview / promotion. There is a medical condition called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) that affects 1 out of 10 women in this country. A hugely visible side effect is excessive hair growth on the face (an arms in some cases). Imagine not being bullied anymore or landing that job, closing that sale because confidence has been restored. The psychological and physical heaviness of PCOS is bad enough, there is no reason a woman should have to deal with depilatories that can cause rashes and hypopigmentation or have to just face the world with excessive hair on their upper lip, sideburns, and chin.
If you or someone you know suffers from excessive facial hair or wants to just throw away that razor for good, I recommend you find a facility that has extensive training in the art of hair removal. These machines are VERY expensive and require a lot of training to be able to find the best settings for each client to provide the best results, so buyer beware of deals that seem too good to be true…. our experience is that they usually are.
Next week we’ll talk about how hair grows and the optimal time you should get hair removal. That’s a little sneak peek.
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