
Self Love Your Way Into 2020

As we wrap up 2019 it’s important to sit back and reflect on some of the growth you’ve had this year. How did your life change? Did you accomplish any goals? Did you see any movement or growth? Sometimes, we can get so caught up in the situations around us that we forget to see how much change a whole year has brought us. Now, not only are we about to enter a WHOLE NEW YEAR, but a brand new decade as well! If you’ve been looking for the Ultimate Clean Slate year, this coming year is gonna be it!
We all know that with a new year comes new goals and aspirations, but how about making yourself the goal for this year. Make yourself a priority and give yourself the self love you deserve. For you, by you. Despite what you may think, it’s not selfish to take out quality time for yourself and step away from your family or loved ones a few times a week. It’s actually recommended for a healthy body, mind, and soul. When you love yourself into the best version you can be, you’ll have a better understanding of how to love and take care of those around you. So in light of the turn of the new year, here are a few tricks and tips to help you self-love your way into 2020:

Benefits of Self-Love:

Self-love can often be misconstrued as self-indulgence—which is essentially treating yourself to things you don’t need—but that’s not the case at all. Selflove is showing respect for ourselves and our well-being. Selflove is taking responsibility for our happiness. Self-love is a great way for you to attend to your own needs in order to be better at attending someone else’s need. When we feel burnt out and depleted, it’s usually because we’ve been denied the time or ability to do things that have deep meaning to us, leaving us to feel “off balance”. When you actively practice self-love, you’ll feel more balanced, allowing you to care for others better. At Beautique, we believe self-love is an invaluable practice which can:

  • Reduce stress levels, which also reduces cortisol (that pesky hormone that leads to stubborn fat)
  • Boost Serotonin, which reduces depression and anxiety
  • Reduce Emotional exhaustion, leading to more energy
  • Reduce Addrenal Fatigue, leading to a clearer mind and better productivity

How to Practice Self-Love:

Loving yourself must become routine, not a chore. Just like putting on your clothes, it should become an everyday occurrence. Self-care is more than just finding a proper work-home-family balance, it’s about finding activities that bring you joy and relaxation. To help get started on the right path, consider how you will integrate these activities into your way of life. It’s not enough to merely have the aspiration of doing something for yourself; you must commit and set aside time EVERYDAY for yourself. Put it on the Calendar, set a daily alarm or reminder to ensure you break away, if only for a moment to make yourself a priority.
While there are many things that can bring you joy, sometimes it helps to break things up in categories such as: non-negotiables and luxury. Ask yourself what you need for the day and be true to your feelings. Non-negotiables could be activities like the gym, running, yoga, journaling or meditation to help reduce stress in your life. Luxuries make you feel and look like a million bucks! These would include: a new outfit, a pair of shoes, monthly facial, massage, a fun haircut  and even a new lipstick. It’s not something you need to do every day, but when you do take out the time to do it, you feel amazing.

How to Practice Self-Love Daily:

Almost anything you do can be made into a “self-love” habit with the right mindset. It’s all about bringing attention back to yourself.

  • Skin care, for example, can be a wonderful way to practice self-care. It’s an act of wellness that benefits your skin’s health, but it can also be made into quality “me-time”. Something as simple as massaging a serum into your skin can help relax both your mind and body.
  • One of the most important acts of self-love that many people overlook is sleep. It’s one of the simplest and life altering gifts of self care that you can give yourself. Quality (versus quantity) sleep on a regular basis has the power to radically change your life. You’ll notice your energy levels are higher and your mood more balanced.
  • Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! Make sure to drink plenty of water. This is should be a no brainer habitual part of your daily routine, but believe it or not, most people do not get enough water in a day, especially if you’re thinking of it as something you “have to do” -so why not make it into a form of self-care? Add a few slices of fruit or herbs (lemon and basil? lime and mint?) to your water for easy sipping. Invest in a nice fun reusable water bottle that also doubles as a stylish accessory.
  • Relax with a facial mask. Treat yourself to a hydrating facial mask (especially in this cold winter season) at least once a week. Whether you want to self indulge and come to us here at Beautique or do one of our “at home” masks in the in between spa treatments, applying a luxorious mask and relaxing for 15-20 mins out of your day is some very good self-loving indeed. Combo with a lavender infused bubble bath for a double dose of care and relaxation.
  • Inhale calm, exhale stress. Self-love can be as simple as breathing. Start off with just 10 mins of quality time throughout your day (preferably in the morning) and use a guided meditation app to help ease your mind and start your day. During this time, sit in your favorite place, put in some earplugs to drown out the noise, and just give yourself a moment to breathe. Begin by closing your eyes, and inhale to the count of four. Exhale and suspend your breath for the count of four. Repeat this breathing rhythm for a few minutes, focusing on each breath to help prevent your inner thoughts from taking over. Practicing mini-meditations throughout the day can help to clear your mind and find a greater sense of inner peace.

Of course, these are just a few of the many ways to increase your self-love in 2020, but by incorporating these small steps in your daily routine it can help to increase your overall goal for the ultimate self love for the new decade! Be kind to yourself, give yourself the benefit of the doubt, and remind yourself that you’re worth it. If you would like more information on how you can give yourself some self-love, come visit us at 501 N. Ware Rd. in McAllen. To stay up to date join our newsletter and be the first to know about special events, and get healthy helpful hints right to your inbox.  Know anyone that would benefit from these three tips? Please feel free to share it with them. Cheers to the coming new year!

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