
Say Goodbye to Embarrassing Sweat & Odor Problems with miraDry

miradry treats hyperhidrosis

No sweat, no stress with miraDry


McAllen miraDry is here! Sweating through your clothes at work, at a party, or in front of others can be embarrassing. If you’re feeling stressed out by sweat, you’re not alone. Did you know that one in ten people in the United States alone suffers from excessive underarm sweat? A condition also known as hyperhidrosis. It’s defined as abnormally excessive sweating that’s not related to or caused by heat or exercise.


Can you believe that medical professionals don’t even know why this happens? Up until 2011, the only option available to treat this hyperhidrosis was using Botox. In fact, we still offer Botox as one of the solutions to treating hyperhidrosis in the underarms. And the only solution to treat excessive sweating in the palms of the hands and the feet. Is Botox effective to stop underarm sweating? Yes. Is it permanent? No. But don’t worry, because Beautique Medical Spa has a permanent solution for you- MiraDry

Never Sweat Again with this Permanent Solution!


The miraDry System is the only FDA-cleared treatment that can dramatically reduce underarm sweat by addressing the root cause of excessive sweat and its accompanying odor – not the symptoms. Fun fact: did you know that this revolutionary procedure also eliminates underarm hair by 72%? Just another perk with miraDry. 


miraDry in McAllen is:

  • Permanent 
  • Immediate 
  • Non-Surgical
  • Pain-Less
  • Safe
miradry mcallen, tx

How Does miraDry Work to Stop Sweating?


miraDry in McAllen uses thermal energy that targets and eliminates both the sweat and odor glands in your underarms. The treatment is typically complete in one hour, and you should experience results in as little as one treatment. Nevertheless, like with any medical procedure, your miraDry specialist will determine the best, most-effective strategy for your desired outcome. 


Wait, but don’t you need to sweat for detoxification? The truth is, “yes” but your underarms contain only 2% of your body’s sweat glands, so you will still perspire in other places on your body after a miraDry treatment, which does not affect your sweating ability. But miraDry is a lasting solution for reducing excessive underarm sweat.

Who is the ideal candidate for miraDry?

  • If you are 18 and over and suffer from excessive underarm sweating
  • For people who are tired of ruining expensive blouses, dresses, and suits because of sweat stains. 
  • Anyone who wants to get rid of body odor. No more doing the “sniff” test anymore (c’mon, you know we’ve all done it at one time or the other).
  • Those who are allergic to ingredients commonly found in deodorants and antiperspirants. And who want to eliminate toxins from their daily personal care products.
  • Would like to permanently reduce underarm hair by 72% in one treatment. (imagine the money you’ll save on laser hair removal!)


Almost eight million people suffer from excess sweat in this country. The medical community estimates that at least about 5% or 400,000 of those people have never seen a doctor about excessive sweating, much less have been formally diagnosed with hyperhidrosis. If you or someone you know is interested in ending embarrassing excessive underarm sweating, the good news is that you don’t need a formal diagnosis from your primary physician to end this uncomfortably sticky situation.

hyperhidrosis treatment in mcallen tx


hyperhidrosis treatment in mcallen


hyperhidrosis treatment


miraDry is only performed in practices like Beautique Medical Spa, where we have dedicated experts that perform this treatment. In fact, we are the only practice in the Upper Valley that offers this permanent solution. Like all of our services, we always start with a consultation during which we’ll ask a series of questions and perform a starch iodine test. This test will allow our MiraDry expert to check the degree of sweating and determine whether or not you should invest in this procedure.


How the miraDry procedure can help you achieve your goals


To prepare you’ll need to shave your underarm hair 4 to 6 days before your miraDry procedure and refrain from shaving after that so some hair is visible. Local anesthesia will be injected into both armpits to numb the area, to keep you most comfortable when undergoing the procedure. After it has taken effect your underarms are marked with a stencil that resembles a tattoo, which is used as a guide when the heat is applied. As the device passes over your underarms, it will gently apply suction to the skin in order to bring your sweat glands closer to the surface and expose them to heat.

The procedure itself will take about an hour and you can expect some redness and swelling following the procedure. This is normal and will subside within a few weeks. For the best chance of healing, apply ice packs as often as possible during the first 24–48 hours and refrain from intense exercise for at least a week. Best not to engage in heavy work is also recommended.


Results to expect after a miraDry treatment

Expect long-lasting results with miraDry – eliminate sweat and odor for good!

You can expect to see results almost instantaneously, however, this may vary from patient to patient and some have said it took a few days after treatment. Our McAllen miraDry specialists recommend waiting 3-6 months before having a second treatment done. It is likely that you may not need it but if you do then another round of treatment may be performed 6 months post-treatment. To determine whether a second treatment is necessary, we would perform another starch iodine test to see how much breakthrough sweat is present and then make recommendations from those results.

hyperhidrosis mcallen tx

How much does MiraDry cost and how many Treatments Will I Need?


Yes, we mentioned that our expert will let you know whether or not to invest in this procedure after your consultation. We say that because it is an investment. The national average for one treatment is about $2250, so it is not inexpensive, but it is the only FDA-Cleared technology available on the market today. In most cases, you will only need one of these 3-in-1 power treatments.


While we know it’s not inexpensive, when you compare it to Botox as an alternative it is a much better option because:

  • It is a needleless option
  • Permanent, compared to 6-9 months of Botox treatments
  • In the end, it is actually less expensive than Botox because Botox is anywhere from $999-$1500 per treatment that lasts 6-9 months, but miraDry is permanent and offers three permanent solutions to these three common issues; sweat, odor, and underarm hair.

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