
How to Eliminate wrinkles and Reverse Sun Damage with Fotofacials

intense pulsed light (ipl) fotofacial treatment

Procedure: Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) or Fotofacial 

Price: Starting at $750/series

Benefits: Treats Acne, Acne Scarring, Pigmentation, Wrinkles, Capillaries, Rosacea, Age Spots, Sun Damage, Freckles, and Facial Veins. 



Looking for a treatment to help clear acne, reduce pigmentation such as age spots, sun damage, and freckles, or help calm rosacea or redness? Then the Fotofacial or Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is most likely the treatment you need to incorporate into your skincare routines. This extremely popular treatment for skin rejuvenation is one of our “staple treatments” at Beautique Medical Spa and we want to let you know just why we love this anti-aging treatment option so much.


Okay, so let’s get real, living in McAllen, Texas, we find that cumulative, year-round sun damage is a major concern for cosmetic concerns. The ultraviolet rays of UVA and UVB can cause cells in the body to become damaged, leading to wrinkles, discoloration, hyperpigmentation, broken capillaries, and age spots. With virtually no downtime the Fotofacial (IPL) can reverse these signs while also stimulating collagen production. And, if you haven’t heard us talk about collagen before, then here it is, Collagen is the foundation for beautiful youthful-looking skin, and as we get older (starting in our early 20s) we lose collagen, which means we lose that youthful plumpness we had as babies.

What You Need to Know About Fotofacial/ Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) 

This system functions in a similar way as lasers since light is absorbed into particular skin types with color (chromophores). The light energy is converted into heat energy, which causes damage to the specific target area. IPL systems are distinct from lasers in that they deliver many wavelengths (or colors) in each pulse of light instead of just one wave.


IPL systems use filters to modify the light used for treatment in certain areas. These increase the penetration level of the light without excessive energy usage and allow you to selectively target specific skin components (these substances absorb light).                                                                


This treatment is considered to be a non-ablative resurfacing treatment, which means that the light targets the deepest layers of skin (dermis) without impacting the most superficial layers of skin (epidermis). The advantage of non-ablative resurfacing treatments is the minimal downtime you will have. Many of our clients will have the procedure done during their lunch break and are able to return to work immediately. 

pigmentation ipl fotofacial treatment in mcallen, texas

What are the Benefits of IPL Treatments?

At Beautique Medical Spa, all of our non-invasive treatments are used to improve your skin concerns. For clients that want to help control Rosacea flush and blush, or reduce the pigment caused by sun damage or acne, the  IPL Fotofacial is a great treatment because its primary function is to target pigmentation skin issues but that isn’t all it can help improve. 


Acne and Acne Scarring 

If you’re struggling with acne and traditional medications and topical creams haven’t worked for you, IPL might be the solution you need. To treat acne we recommend our acne program that includes skincare which is safe to use with the IPL and two weeks’ worth of twice-weekly IPL sessions. Sticking to our customized regiments helps our clients see visible results and can clear up even the most stubborn breakouts and help minimize some acne scarring.

acne treamtnet with intense pulsed light (IPL) fotofacial


Since IPL is a low-intensity light therapy, it has shown the reduction of facial inflammation caused by rosacea. Therefore, a series of six to eight sessions scheduled at specific intervals combined with skincare that is safe to use with IPL technology and gentle for sensitive Rosacea skin is usually adequate to improve mild or moderate rosacea. However, it may vary from person to person and this will be discussed at the time of your consultation. 


Facial Telangiactasia/ Red Veins

This condition is also commonly known as spider veins, which are dilated blood vessels located near the surface of the skin. They’re often found on the legs, face, and torso. 

vascular spider veins with fotofacial (ipl) treatment

IPL for spider veins directly targets the red color of the broken capillaries using heat, damaging the blood vessel after the vessel wall collapses, the broken blood is eventually absorbed back by the body. Also enjoy the additional benefit of smaller pore size, improved skin texture, reduction in fine lines, removal of superficial sun damage, and diminished spots of brown.


Port Wine Stains

A port-wine birthmark is an everlasting stain that emerges at birth. It begins pinkish or reddish and becomes darker as the child grows. Mainly, it can be found on the face, but it could also affect other parts of the body. They can not be permanently removed but IPL can lighten port-wine stains.

port wine stains lighten with fotofacial intense pulsed light (IPL)


Fotofacials are the most effective method to do away with freckles. Light energy is better absorbed by the darker areas of pigmentation and breaks down the melanin found there. The areas around the freckles remain unaffected.

freckles removal with fotofacial (ipl)

What to expect during your first Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) / Fotofacial session: 

Each session lasts a little over 30 minutes. Depending on what condition we are treating, most conditions require anywhere from three to five sessions combined with appropriate skincare. Treatment plans are customized during the consultation based upon the condition being treated and are usually scheduled once a month (more frequent for acne programs). 


After Your Treatment

After receiving treatment, your skin may be red or swollen for a while. These symptoms usually cease or disappear within the same day. The good news is you will be able to continue with your normal activities right away. We always encourage our clients to call us with any question they may have and always have access to our Medical Directors’ personal cell phones and can text us, call us, or send us a DM at any time day or night.


Restore Your Glow with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)/ Fotofacial in McAllen

If you’re considering IPL, please make sure you see an experienced and qualified practitioner for your IPL treatments – they’ll be able to help you get the most out of this non-invasive treatment! While IPL is very common, there are specific skin types that cannot get these treatments or the conditions will worsen. If you choose Beautique Medical Spa for your anti-aging treatment you can be certain that our experts will only recommend services that are safe and effective for your skin type and lifestyle thanks to our very thorough consultation process where we’ll go over your medical history, review any medications you are taking or have taken, and discuss any plans and upcoming events you may have so that you can make the best choices when it comes to Revealing Your Belleza. Another advantage to working with us at Beautique is that you will always have access to our Licensed Medical Professionals who are the only ones that are legally able to make any type of diagnosis if necessary which also helps to make sure that you only get services and skincare that is appropriate for you.  


Beautique Medical Spa skin experts are delighted to evaluate and recommend an appropriate course of treatment for your skin concerns. To learn more please call us and schedule a complimentary consultation

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