
Tighten Skin and Reduce Wrinkles without Surgery

People spend millions of dollars each year on plastic surgery with the hope of regaining their youth. These painful, expensive procedures often result in a severe look that is more scary than youthful. But there are alternatives to plastic surgery. One of the latest advances in anti-aging is 3DEEP skin tightening and wrinkle reduction.

What is 3DEEP and how does it work?

3DEEP is an FDA-approved technology that uses radio frequency to treat sagging skin and wrinkles non-invasively. Energy is delivered to the deepest layers of the skin to promote the production of collagen, which improves overall skin surface texture while reducing unwanted fine lines and wrinkles and replacing them with firmer skin. It provides complete skin tightening anywhere on the body where sagging or loose skin exists. 3DEEP is ideal for:
• Fine lines around the mouth and eyes
• Post natal abdomen
• Loose, crepey skin under the arms
• Saggy jowl
• Crepey hands
Deep heating causes the skin to contract and tighten while stimulating new collagen production, bringing fresh new skin to the surface. Collagen production continues long after the treatment session to further tighten skin and yield a youthful, tightened, and lifted appearance. 3DEEP also facilitates smooth skin by improving blood flow, promoting breakdown of fatty deposits, and promoting drainage of retained fluids within the skin.

What are 3DEEP treatments like?

Effective on all skin types and colors, 3DEEP treatments are designed for patient comfort. It’s a quick procedure with no downtime, minimal discomfort, and minimal risk of side effects. A handpiece is gently massaged over the treatment area in a circular motion and slowly warms as it delivers energy deep into the skin.
Patients often compare the procedure to a “warm massage.” The entire process is fast, so you can do it over your lunch hour.

How many treatments will I need?

The most efficient protocol is four treatments performed at one week intervals, followed by several follow up treatments at longer intervals. Individual treatment sessions generally last for 30–45 minutes depending on the area. Following treatment, patients can immediately resume all normal activities. Your esthetician will help you determine how many treatments you will need based on your skin’s condition and your desired results.

How effective is 3DEEP?

While creams, lotions, lasers, and other technologies promise results they can’t deliver, 3DEEP has proven scientific evidence to support its skin tightening treatment results. It combines the best attributes of different radio frequency technologies to deliver safe and accurate long-lasting results. 3DEEP skin tightening is revolutionary skin care technology.
To find out if 3DEEP Skin Tightening is right for you, call (956) 664-1234 to schedule a consultation. One of our skin experts will customize a treatment plan to help you look as young as you feel.

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