
Seven Common Misconceptions About Botox

There are many misconceptions about what Botox is and what it can do. Beautique Medical Spa, home to the Botox experts, sets the record straight about some of the most common:

#1: You could look worse if you stop treatments.

If you stop Botox treatments, you will NOT look worse. The worst case scenario is that you will return to your pre-Botox look. There is no record of any patients having a “rebound” effect after stopping Botox. Some patients even report a long-lasting softening of their lines months after stopping their Botox. Patients typically get three to four months from one injection of Botox. With repeated use, they might only need it six to nine months later. This is especially true if the earlier re-treatments are done as soon as the muscle is just starting to move. The analogy is as seen when keeping a cast on a broken arm—the muscles soften when not being used.

#2: Botox is a potent poison, and you shouldn’t put poison in your body.

Botox is a very potent medication and can do considerable damage if injected into the wrong place in the wrong amount. This does NOT make it dangerous to use however, especially when administered by an experienced doctor. When injected correctly, there have been no instances of side effects beyond the injection site. The key to its correct use is to have an experienced doctor. You should choose the most experienced doctor you can find.

#3: Botox makes you look plastic or unnatural.

Botox is a wonderful treatment, but some people do take things to the extreme. Some movie stars look plastic not because they use Botox, but because they use way too much Botox in too many places. If Botox is used tastefully, it will give you a relaxed look. The key is to know when to stop to avoid paralyzing the essential muscles required for proper facial expression. This is where your physician’s judgment comes into play. He should be able to decide on the correct dosage and injection location to give you a natural, relaxed look.

#4: Botox treatments are easy, so anyone can give them.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. It takes considerable experience and knowledge of facial anatomy to know exactly where to inject Botox. Each person is unique, and treatments should be customized for your individual needs. Administering Botox is as much an art as it is a science.

#5: Botox is addictive.

For a drug to be addictive, it must have a systemic effect. Botox does not affect your body as a whole and does not affect the nervous system beyond the injection site. However, you might become addicted to the improved, relaxed appearance it will give you!

#6: Botox can cause a permanent eyelid droop.

Botox rarely causes a complication called ptosis or eyelid droop. I have never seen this complication, and it is, for the most part, an avoidable complication with proper technique. The effects of Botox are all temporary; therefore if you were unfortunate enough to get this complication, it will not be permanent. If this rare complication does occur, it can easily be treated with special eye drops which reverse the problem.

#7: Changing your appearance is wrong.

Many people feel guilty when contemplating cosmetic procedures. Botox is unique because it does not actually change your appearance; it simply returns your look to the way it was before stress and aging added lines to your face. It’s never wrong to want to return to your natural, stress free, relaxed self!

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