
Two Envy-Worthy Holiday Skin Hacks

Get Camera Ready this Holiday Season While Making Your Friends Wonder Whether You Had Cosmetic Surgery!

Holiday season is officially under way and you know what that means… Parties! And, while parties are fun, it can also mean stress. Does this describe your feelings about the holiday season? One-part anxiety and one-part excitement about the back-to-back shindigs, family get-togethers and that office year-ender you’re sure everyone will still be talking about well into 2020. This time of year is also a favorite time for taking family portraits, Christmas cards pictures, Friendsgiving dinner parties, Thanksgiving, and don’t forget Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
So many picture taking events coming up but you shouldn’t need to stress your over how your skin looks or could look in these upcoming photo ops. To help make sure you look your holiday best in every photo (yes, even in the ones your friends tag you in), we at Beautique put together the easiest Holiday Hacks to keep your skin looking glamorous all Season long.  Here is a breakdown of some of the most effective, successful stress-free holiday services.


Treat Major Skin Concerns
If you’ve been slacking off in the exercise department, now may not be  the easiest time to start a dramatic lifestyle change, but we can be conscience about eating healthy, work out (a simple 10 minute walk in the evening), cut back, or altogether on alcohol, and sleep better.   But don’t worry, we are here to help. Here is  Envy Worthy Skin Hack #1 to achieving Envy Worthy skin. Establish a good skin care regimen. That means you must be consistent about washing your face each morning and almost militant about removing your makeup (double cleanse) before bed each night. Did you know that going to bed with makeup on ages your skin by seven (7) years?!?  That’s because our cells rest during the night.
“Washing your face before going to sleep is essential in the fight against aging skin. Our makeup can allow free radicals that we are exposed to during everyday life to cling to our skin. If we do not wash our faces before we go to bed at night, our skin is exposed to free radical damage that can prematurely age the skin as we sleep.”—Hannah Hatcher, global educator, Jane Iredale
Stepping up your skin care a month before an event gives you a lot of wiggle room for procedures you can do before any event because you are working on a healthier canvas. Are you ready? Envy Worthy Skin Hack #2 Book any appointments that require any type of recovery time Pronto! We are talking about services such as Fraxel, Vi Peels, Botox, and Fillers. These services will require some sort of recovery time. Recovery time will vary according to the service.
Not sure what the name of the service you need, but you know what your skin care concern is? Here are some types of services that are appropriate by skin condition.
I want to get rid of unwanted wrinkles for now: That’s easy, for the fastest way to get rid of wrinkles and look 10 years younger, Botox and Filler is what you will need. Book now, because you will need downtown to allow everything to settle properly and achieve your desired look. Remember Botox is used to relax muscles in the forehead, glabella (between the brows) and crow’s feet.  Botox also has some advanced uses such as to treat excessive sweating in hands and feet, and migraines.  Dermal Fillers….well, that’s what they do, the “fill in” lines and deep static wrinkles. We use Dermal Filler products for the laugh lines, under eyes to brighten the eye area, restore volume to sagging cheeks and even help build up your cheeks! If this sounds like something you need, give us a call now.
I want to get rid of dark spots from the sun or pregnancy or acne. Dark spots from any of those sources is called hyperpigmentation. One of our favorite treatments to help eliminate these dark spots quickly is Fraxel.  Fraxel Skin Resurfacing improves tone, texture, and radiance from aging, sun damaged, or scarred skin. This treatment is ideal for anyone who wants to look younger without dramatic changes or extend their downtime. This treatment can give you smoother, fresher, and younger looking skin. It will also help with the reduction of brown spots, fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and can also help with the appearance of acne scars. This treatment requires a consultation because skin color and type of dark spots play a big part in whether or not you are a candidate.
Another safe, and effective option for all skin types is the VI PEEL. The VI Peel offers a non-invasive approach to healthier, younger looking skin with very little downtime. Enjoy feeling more confident in your skin in just 7 days! With five formulations we are able to customize a peel to use on any part of your face and body. Vi Peels work beautifully with most other services too which only enhances your beauty.
I am so tired of hiding my face because of my acne or acne scars: Treat active acne with IPL. This type of light treatment will help to kill any active P.acne bacteria to help create a clean slate and coupled with BLUE LED light, you will be able to keep your pimple outbreaks at bay. Why is it important to plan out these treatments? Because when calming acne, we need multiple treatments to kill bacteria, clear skin, allow the lights to penetrate at specific intervals for optimal results.
We also love, love, LOVE VI PEEL Acne to transform acneic skin. Just remember the rule…  No picking, no squeezing.Treating acne requires an in-depth consultation with our skin experts so that we can craft your personal Perfect Skin Plan which includes these types of services and home care. Whether you need a spot treatment product with salicylic or glycolic acids or a complete Clear Acne regimen is a great way to help your skin stay calm in between your in-office treatments.
There you have it, Two simple yet highly effective “ENVY WORTHY” Skin Hacks. We know that there are many choices available, but congratulations to you because you are actually researching the best option for you.  You’re invited to visit us at 501 N. Ware Rd. in McAllen or call us at (956) 664-1234 to reserve a consultation, which includes a Perfect Skin Analysis ($97 Value) with our VISIA, a revolutionary device that allows us to analyze your skin and measure it against a national database to give you your true Skin Age and to let you see your skin in it’s true state.
These are only two hacks that we shared with you, but check back each week this month because we will be sharing for Hacks to get your skin to the point where your friends will be dying to know if you got anything „done“.  Be skin ready for  the holidays looking beautiful, feeling glamourous and still able to handle the in-laws!
Do you have any questions about Fraxel, VI PEEL, IPL, or Blue Light Therapy please post them in the comments below and we will answer them as soon as possible. Don’t forget to like our FaceBook Page, follow our Instagram account, and subscribe to our Youtube Channel.

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