
Unwanted Wrinkles May R.I.P Thanks to Botox Cosmetic. It’s Not Magic, It’s Botox!

First of all, let’s just get it out there–Botox is magical, but before you start to picture some old hag cackling as she stirs this magical wrinkle erasing potion in a big black cauldron, you can  relish with delight that this safe and effective potion exists, and is  within reach for many women affordability-wise than it used to be. We’ve come a LONG way baby.
Yes, we’ve all heard that Botox is a drug made from a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum (that’s fancy for erases wrinkles). Doctors use it in small doses to treat health problems, including temporary smoothing of facial wrinkles and improving your appearance when injected into the lines between the brows (glabella), crow’s feet, and forehead. Did you know that it can also be used to correct the gummy smile and help with the orange peel chin look? I just got a few units to lift my lazy eye before I looked like Popeye and let me tell you that little brow lift has done wonders for my selfies. Botox can also be used to help migraines and excessive sweating on the hands and feet.
Getting Botox is no longer considered taboo or a “best kept secret”. In fact, did you know that in the past five years the popularity of Botox in the U.S. has skyrocketed, with a 40.6% increase in procedures, according to the latest figures from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Last year alone, over 1.5 million Botox injections were performed. There are a lot of medical providers turning back the clock on aging with Botox which can be done during your lunchtime with no downtime. Seriously, nobody will even know that you did anything yet will be insanely jealous of how well-rested you look. That’s how quickly and easily it can be done. Let’s take a look at other ways professionals use Botox in addition to the most common- erasing usage which is relaxing wrinkles:

Ease Lower Eyelid Wrinkles:

As we get older, the skin and fatty tissue along the lower eyelids can begin to droop. This shrinkage causes fine lines under the eyes, creating ‘bags’ that make us look tired and unhealthy. Small injections of Botox can be used to smooth and tighten this under eye area, brightening your face.

Flatten Droopy Jowls and Smooth out the Orange Peel Chin  

Jowls are made up of fat, soft tissue, and lax skin that collect along the jawline. This protruding tissue takes away from a sculpted, defined jawline. Botox Cosmetic will tighten and lift this tissue along the jawline, taking years off your appearance.
Many people don’t know what an “orange peel chin is”.  Look in the mirror and make a funny face where you stretch out your chin exaggeratedly. Some people will have a dimpled “orange peel” effect.  Those dimples can be smoothed with a few units of Botox which will leave you with a smooth chin.

Non-Surgical Nose Shaping:

Surgical rhinoplasty (nose surgery) is a delicate surgery that involves a lengthy recovery. However, many people looking for mild to moderate changes can see a dramatic improvement with a nonsurgical rhinoplasty. In less than15 minutes, Botox Cosmetic can lift and smooth the tissues along the nose, significantly improving the appearance without ever going ‘under the knife’.

Lift Droopy Eyelids (Brow Lift):

As the muscles on the forehead lose their youthful tautness, the forehead can sink downward, ultimately causing the eyelids to droop. Botox works wonders as it relaxes the muscles around the eye, naturally lifting the forehead. With the drooping lids gone, your eyes can shine. This is what I got done. Seriously, I was starting to look like Popeye, and just a few units have lifted my brow so that my selfies are perfect now. Phew!
Now that you know some of the additional ways to use Botox, let’s talk about the fun part. BooTox Mania is starting next week. If you have been considering Botox or need more, next week is the time to get some during our BooTox Mania event.  We don’t really discount Botox too often because as Diamond Partners, we stand behind our work and possess years of study, fellowship, and practice, but over the last seven years or more, we have offered BooTox Mania which is a couple of days where we slash the price on Botox to make it more affordable. It’s our version of Trick or Treat, except that there are NO TRICKS at Beautique…. only Treats. Come take advantage of our BooTox Mania event and experience what Botox can do for you. You do not want to miss this event!
Beautique has very limited appointment availability during our BooTox Mania Event, and now is the time to take advantage of this promotion. We only have two days set aside for this event and have even extended a day until 7pm. We’re ready for you and are your BooTox Mania appointment. Give us a call at 956-664-1234 to take advantage of this one-time annual sale. You can also go to this link directly to sign up  http://bit.ly/boo-tox-mania-19.

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