
July’s Happenings At Beautique

Summer is now in full swing. And we got one thing on our minds….Weekends! This month is dedicated to getting you weekend ready every Monday. We have a couple of fun opportunities to have what we like to call “Reju-vacations”.

Why Not Have This Cocktail?

We love microdermabrasion as do thousands of people around the world. Extremely safe, this age-defying treatment is convenient, non-invasive and gets remarkable results in as little as one treatment.
However, there are some conditions that microdermabrasion cannot treat such as broken blood vessels, spider veins, acne, and rosacea. It simply wasn’t designed to.
But here’s the really interesting part. Even though microdermabrasion can’t treat those skin conditions, it amplifies the ability of other treatments to do so!
For example, LED Light Therapy and chemical peels work more efficiently. The reason is simple. Exfoliating and vacuuming away dirt, debris, dead skin, clogged pores, and the like, allows complimentary treatments such as LED and Peels to do their job more easily, giving you the results you want.
Problem conditions like broken blood vessels, spider veins and rosacea respond in record time. Leaving you with amazing results!
Taking Microdermabrasion to the Next Level with LED and Peels
LED Light Therapy is a painless method of rejuvenation with red light therapy, blue light therapy and infrared light therapy to effectively re-energize aging and damaged skin by stimulating the cellular renewal response from deep within the tissue to repair and renew tired damaged cells and stimulate the rejuvenation process that takes place to achieve and maintain beautiful, healthy skin.
The same is true for chemical peels. Essentially, you’re getting a double exfoliation. The first, with microdermabrasion, suctions away surface imperfections. It also works to stimulate the lymphatic flow, carrying away toxic waste.
Secondly, the chemical peel exfoliates deeper layers for radiant, firmer skin. The two treatments accelerate action, giving you the results you want more quickly.
This month we have created the perfect Cocktail with our Maui Micro with LED. The Maui Micro Facial combines microdermabrasion with soothing fruits and flowers to achieve the best anti-aging results.
We wish you a very Happy 4th of July! Enjoy time with your loved ones and stay sun-safe.
To Your Beauty,
Beautique Medical Spa

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